Today I have selected three bloggers to receive the Papercraft Star Fabulous Blogger Star Award. Each one has her own unique style of crafting, and I enjoy seeing each new project they create.
Nancy at The Nickel Nook
Geri at Paper Wishes
Silvia at Crafty Sil
Once you ladies are notified by me to come and pick up your award here on my blog, you should post it on your own blog along with the answers to the two following questions.
1. The best project I ever made was... (you can even post a pic here so we can see what you've done!)
2. I like to craft because...
Then just pass the love along the same way I did to three people who you feel are FABULOUS Bloggers too. Come on, admit it. We all love to get encouragement from our fellow crafters. What a blessing to be able to pass it on! . . .and on . . . and on!
Papercraft Star Challenge Blog is growing in leaps and bounds and we'd love to have you come be a part of it. We're having a membership drive right now and our bloggie leaders are offering up a $25.00 gift certificate to either Papertrey Ink or My Favorite Things. WOOHOO! You can check out the deets on how you can get your name in the hat for that yummy prize right here.
Our challenges are varied and announced on the blog a few weeks in advance to give you plenty of time to come up with an awesome project to show us. We've got some great prize sponsors lined up too! Who doesn't LOVE winning some scrappy goodness!
Enjoy your Fabulous Blogger awards ladies! . . . and come play along with us. That invitation is open to all!!!
Congrats on your awards girls!!
Oh WOW Tracy! I love how your email said you had a little "happy" for me! I'd say that's a very BIG HAPPY! lol How very SWEET of you to choose my blog! Thank you so much! Those questions are HARD...so I might have to think about that for a bit! It's like having homework! haha
I stopped by the Papercraft Star Challenge Blog and left a comment and became a follower. I also let them know that you referred me! Thanks again Tracy!...Nancy :o)
Thank you so much Tracy, once again you have made my day. You have been so encouraging to me and "the" nicest blogger I've met. I sincerely appreciate you thinking of me always as it warms my heart just knowing someone out there is really appreciating my work. Thanks again Tracy!
As for the questions....well, give me a few, I have to pick my brain for a minute or two. LOL!
Hi Tracy!
i just became a Follower at the "Paper Craft Star Blog," and I told them that you referred me!
May you be blessed and be a blessing with
the crafts you make.
He IS Able,
Traci S.
Tracy, I hope you got my very appreciative email. I've thanked you, maybe once or twice more, along with including the answers to "THE QUESTIONS" and photo's of my most favorite project. Hope you'll come vistit soon. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!http://gerispaperwishes.blogspot.com/2010/09/thankful-believer.html
Oh, man...I should have previewed my commment. There are ERRORS!! YIKES!! (Yes, I really WAS a teacher!!)
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