Hope you're having a fantastic week!
I just wanted to correct a possible misconception about our Papercraft Star Design Team Call. I'm afraid I may have given the wrong impression in the wording that I used for the DT Call requirements and I'm hoping I can correct that mistake, and I apologize if I scared any possible candidates off. :-)
The requirements state that each week each DT member would be required to use some of the digital image product from our Sponsor, The House Across the Bay. I did not mean to imply that that was ALL you could use for your project. We just want to see something from her store somewhere on your project. She has tags, inchies, circles, awesome background that are specially made for cardmakers, plus lots more. There are tons of ways to incorporate a little something digital into your cards, layouts, or alterd/mixed media art.
So, I apologize for unintentionally misleading you. I've corrected the wording on the blog post at Papercraft Star also.
Now, for my blog. Unfortunately I've had to make a couple of changes with my comment settings lately. First of all several of you were having trouble posting comments, so I changed to a different posting form and that seems to be working for everyone. That wasn't such a big deal, but the last few days I've been getting a TON of junky spam comments from an Anonymous sender. They're not even on my most recent post, but on old ones. Nothing nasty, thank goodness, just annoying, so I had to go to comment moderation which is rather a pain in itself. I rather liked the way I had things set up so that whenever I received a comment it went straight to my gmail account to let me know you'd visited. Now I have to go approve everything first. ARRRgghh! I just can't imagine what kind of enjoyment these people get out of sending this junk to people who don't want it.
Sorry for the venting session there. :-) I have slowed down a bit this week in my card making, but I have started a very special mini that I'm making for my daughter. I'll give you a tiny peek at a itty bitty part of one of the embellishments. I LOVE making minis, but I get soooo in the zone. LOL
I'll have a Papercraft Star projects AND a tutorial for The Kraft Journal both posting on Wednesday, plus my final Guest Designer card for The Ourlawz on Friday so I hope you come back and visit again.
Ooh...I like the little sneak peek! You know I always love your minis, so I can't wait to see it completed! Don't worry about changing the comment form Tracy...it won't deter me from leaving comments! :o)
Hi Tracey!
You know, you can adjust your settings to not allow anonymous commenters. That may help?
I get spam too (always from anonymous) but although my email receives it,(because I have it set to receive all my comments via email) they don't actually show up on my blog, as blogger filters spam. So its annoying but as long as my readers don't have to sift through it its not such a big deal.
Hi Tracy,sorry about your spam and that you had make some adjustment's
Can't wait to see thr rest of you creation
Hugs Heidy
Yes, Dorcas is right Tracy, maybe you should give this a go? It is annoying, however, I agree, but just delete these 'messages' and go on as the happy crafter that you are! Love that little sneak peek, it looks gorgeous already from what I can see of the colours you've used! Hugs, Ira
Oh I just love your sneak peeks. I keep moving my monitor trying to see just a little more...but no such luck:0) Glad I get to comment again, I was one of the ones having trouble.
That little peek looks wonderful. I can't wait to see whats to come.. So sorry to hear about your spam problem.. I hope it gets better..
Hugs, Linda
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