Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A little rant...but I think you'll agree

     Hello my sweet friends!
     Right now I am typing this post on my old ancient laptop.  You see, this morning I awoke in a perfectly good mood.  It's a hectic week for me.  We start Vacation Bible School at my church next week and I've got decorations and lessons to take care of.  So before I got started on those tasks I thought I would start my morning off visiting my bloggy friends and seeing what's going on in the crafty world.
     I find that my computer is already on cause hubby checked the weather this morning.  I go to my AOL mail account.  No can do.  There's a security problem.  Hmmmmm????  Gmail.  Same thing.  The alarm bells start going off so I grab my thumb drives and quickly make sure all my digital images and documents are safely stored.  That done I go into Microsoft Security Essentials to see what's up and everything just went downhill in a hurry from there.
     Seems I got a nasty virus from somewhere which put my computer in a perpetual loop of telling me it needed to be cleaned of threats and then restarting the computer before that could be done.  My computer doctor says he'll have to wipe it clean.  He couldn't get it out of the loop either.
     You know I just don't understand how anyone can get enjoyment out of destroying something that belongs to someone else.  As far back as I can remember the thought of me touching ANYTHING that belonged to someone else without their permission was a HUGE no no.  My mother probably taught me that although it seems to me that it was just something, a boundary, that I myself set.  I would have, and still would, feel so guilty if I broke something that wasn't mine.  The thought of a human being, well LOTS of human beings, out there who think it's funny to create these destructive viruses just baffles me.
     I don't normally write posts like this one, but I know there are a lot of you out there who have probably had the same or a similar experience.  I was told that the Microsoft Security Essentials virus protection was pretty much as good as anything else, but if you have an opinion or suggestion of something else, I'd appreciate if you'd drop me a comment.  I'm no computer genius although I do pretty well operating one as long as I don't have to try to figure out how it works or how to fix it.  :-)
     I'm going to try my best to keep up with my visiting and commenting, but this thing really is pretty old and slow.  I should have my other computer back tomorrow although honestly part of me wants to throw it in the trash.  Having to deal with starting from scratch loading programs and files back into it is just depressing and not something I wanted to deal with, especially this week.  The old devil really know where to stick the knife in to press our buttons doesn't he.  :-(
     Hope you're having a MUCH better week than me.


Cheryl said...

Awwww Tracy, I'm so sorry. I can't understand why people create virus' either. I hope you were able to save all your important files and get your PC fixed soon.

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Well that just stinks, Tracy! I'm so very sorry you have to deal with this mess. I'm so glad you were able to back up your important stuff.
I don't 'get it' either. Why someone would get enjoyment out of tormenting others is beyond me.
I've had to start from scratch myself a time or two so I know the grief it can cause. I really don't have much of an answer for you, sweetie. All I can do is give you a BIG (((((HUG))))) & say "this too shall pass".
more Huggies to you, sweetie ~

Tonya said...

Tracy, I am so sorry you have to go through this. It really stinks having to start over from scratch. I have been there. :o( Sending you big ((hugs))!

Carla S. said...

So sorry you had to go through this, Tracy. I had the same experience twice last summer. In June, my desktop got infected with a similar malware to what you've experienced (I had Norton 360 and on-line back-up, but still lost lots of files) and then in September, the hard disk on my laptop crashed and the Geek Squad had to rebuild the whole thing from scratch. Good thing you backed up your digis and stuff before you restarted and got in the loop. Now I double back up everything. Hope you get back up and running soon and can put this behind you. It's awful someone purposely does this to innocent people.

Nancy said...

Oh, my dear friend...I feel your pain! Just take a deep breath and relax! Tomorrow is another day and all will be right again...eventually! :o)

Geri said...

Oh, Tracy, I'm so sorry! How frustrating! It's amazing to me that there are so many people out there getting a kick out of things like this! Hope you're up and going again soon!! Hope Bible School goes well also!

heidy said...

Oh Tracy I'm so sorry for you hun,I don't understand it eighter that people will do this,I can't see the fun of it!
Hope your PC is fixed soon!
Sending big XXX your way!
XXX Heidy

Allisa said...

So sorry you are going through this. I have yet to figure out why hackers do not just get real jobs instead of wrecking havoc on everyone's life! Maybe this is the week to take a break for yourself!

Renee B. said...

Hi Tracy,I had Microsoft Essentials Security when I was hit by a virus & lost my computer last year....they were not able to fix it! Thanks goodness I had everything on an external hard drive! I now have AVG & it seems to be good protection....I have had warnings from them a few times lately. Hope things get better for you soon my friend!
Hugs, Renee

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that happened to you. I have to agree, I don't know why anyone would want to put a virus out there. I just don't get it. I do hope your week goes a little better.


Kim said...

so sorry to hear about the virus. I agree - I just don't understand what the 'entertainment' is in doing that to someone else. Hope you can get things sorted asap - and manage to keep your 'inner calm'!
Kim x

Tracey T said...

Oh, Tracy, I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your computer. I will never understand why anyone would get a kick out of deliberately causing problems for another person. My pc had a virus a couple of years ago and had to go to the computer "hospital". I've used Norton Anti Virus software since; it isn't cheap but so far I haven't had anymore problems. Sending a big hug! Tracey xx

Ros Crawford said...

Awww! Tracy I am so sorry to hear about your problems ... I used to have Microsoft and used Norton security plus some other things my brother installed as he builds computers ... But still and all I often had problems ... In the end I got an Apple and touch wood have never had any computer problems ... server problems yes ... but Apple seems to be as safe as it can be ..I'm with you ... can never understand these people who do this .... part of me believes it is a way to sell us security protection ... Sending hugs ♥♥♥

CaroleAnn said...

This is awful! Tracy, I feel so bad for you! I can never understand why people do this!! The thought of having to load everything again - I wish I had a magic wand and it would all be done for you! Hang in there and know plenty of us would like to get our hands on these buggers!!! Lots of hugs coming your way.

billiejo said...

I'm really sorry to hear you are going through this Tracy. It is so demeaning to have someone at a distance effect our personal lives is such a controlling way. AGH!

I have one suggestion... instead of trying to find a better protection (they all have their strong points), find a good back up online. My suggestion is to look at Carbonite. ( http://www.marthastewart.com/275129/organizing-basements-storage-rooms/@center/276989/organizing#/209996?xsc=eml_org_2012_07_18&om_rid=Nsf1CW&om_mid=_BQBqVDB8jO7ROs ). This is a link to Kim Kamando's site where she tells a little about it. You can try it free for a few weeks. It is not cheap, but it is much cheaper than the repair you are dealing with right now.

FYI... if you are not familiar with Kim Kamando, take time to look at her web site and sign up for some of her daily emails, such as cool sites, or tips and tricks. Everything is free and 100% spam, virus, malware, etc., free. If Kim's group endorses it, it not only works, but it is absolutely safe. The site is all about computers and she truly is a guru.

Good luck and have a fun week at Bible Day Camp.

Unknown said...

Oh this is an enormous nuisance Tracy to say the least!!!! I can totally understand why you´re ... off! I know I would be, too! Unfortunately there are too many people out there who apparently enjoy anarchy... Really hope that your laptop is fixed asap. We´re using F-Secure and so far so good I must say. Good luck with everything, hugs, Ira

Sylvia said...

So agree with you Tracy, unfortunately not all bloggers are nice. I recently had a problem with yahoo, supposedly someone hacked my computer and e-mailed out a link to some of my friends. Well they did not hack my computer, they hacked Yahoo and posted 400,000 passwords online. so someone had my password and went into my yahoo had had fun sending out, all done by automation. This occurred after Facebook changed and started posting out names with a number on their space. I am almost sure that is where the problems are coming from. I don't do much on Yahoo and that is the only link to Facebook than can go back to me. I do nothing on Yahoo now, they did not even let their customers know that there had been a breach. I had to hear it from my daughter who heard it on MPR. Now I don't visit anything from my new computer, except blogs and secure places. Yahoo, Facebook and everything non secure I use my old computer for and nothing is on the old one that they can corrupt. I am so..so sorry you have experienced this today, it is a horrible way to start out the day. Hope your day has perked up and you are enjoying your crafts!

Jennifer Scull said...

oh Tracy. this so stinks! yep, cancer, chemo, and compy hackers! notice they all start with 'C'! but then so do choco and coffee, so I'm not swearing off of the letter just yet.... grins!

sending big ol' hugs your way. :)

Jennifer said...

So sorry Tracy that you have to deal with the downside of technology! The truth is that any program you have can have issues because it's made by imperfect people. I pray everything will be able to get fixed up ok. Good thing you were able to save your files!
Do enjoy the preparations for the DVBS. Just think of the precious souls that will come!

Sarah said...

Tracy, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! Hope the last half of the day went better. I've also often wondered what people get out of creating viruses. Sending lots of hugs your way!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, can I ever relate. I am totally with you on this issue and I have Microsoft Security Essentials after I got a very nasty virus last year. So far it is working and I scan more frequently now but it's impossible to thwart off every cyber attack. We live in an ugly world sometimes which is why it's so nice to be a part of the crafting community. We are all rooting for you and we'll be here when things get fixed. Just breathe and remember "this too shall pass." Good luck with VBS, I miss my kids being that age.

Mari-Susanna said...

Hi Tracy! You cards is so beautiful and so sweet! hugs Mari-Susanna from Finland :)

Lisa Minckler said...

Ugh! What a royal pain in the back side! I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time on your 'vintage' computer to leave me some very wonderful comments!!! I'm sorry I haven't been around too much...lately all I've been doing is trying not to melt. Ha! Between computer viruses and temperatures sky rocketing, I vote we go in a hole and come out when it's ALL better. :D Have a great time in VBS and I hope the lovely morons who infected your computer give you no further grief. :)
Big hugs to you H,

Mau xx said...

Just catching up with this Tracy, so sorry you caught the Virus..Den read about it on the News page that it had Striking mainly USA.
Not a Clue how they get Pleasure from these things, They are obviously Clever so why not put that talent to creating something good and making a good name for themselves.
I like Norton for security, I do have AVG on at present but not for long as I am going back to Norton.

Hope you soon get sorted sweetie.
Hugs Mau xx

Pat said...

Oh nooooooooooooo! I had the same thing happen with my other 'puter! I couldn't get it to quit telling me I had a virus...aacck. I finally just junked it and switched to my "back up" laptop! What kind of kinky people get pleasure from creating computer viruses?!! Sickos...I'm with you girl...and I feel your pain, sugar! Pat Frank

Audrey Pettit said...

So sorry about your computer troubles, Tracy! I've had that happen before, and I know how dis-heartening it is! And I totally agree with you......I'll never understand what it is in human nature to feel the need to do these kinds of things....:(

Jinny Newlin said...

Ugh! I'm so sorry, Tracy! I don't understand the desire to attack other people and their property, either. It's baffling! Well, I hope that you get back in the swing of things soon, and that they're able to save lots more on your computer than they originally thought. It makes me sick to even think of that happening.