Louise invited a guest hostess to set the challenge for this week's Tag Tuesday. Her name is Sarah and you can find her blog, Vintage Figments here. her challenge was to make a tag using a mannequin template. A couple of days ago I received a post on my Google Reader from Magic Moonlight Studio Free Images. This beautiful image was one of several they were offering for use and I grabbed it up quick. Isn't it gorgeous!
I copied the photo and the template onto a word doc and played with the sizes until I thought the image would cover the template. I printed them out side by side, cut them apart, and then lined up my image with the template by holding it up to a light. This is really old school I know, but hey--it works. :) I do have a light box, but was too lazy to go dig it out.
I cut around the template and then embellished the image with some Kaisercraft pearls, lace, and ribbon fiber. She's so pretty I really didn't want to cover much of her up, but I'm really pleased with how it came out. I wasn't sure which photo I liked best so here's a second one.
Your tag is just so attractive! Such a beautiful image. I love the little pearls around the neck and the lace edge. Love this!
Hi Tracy,
Oh my gosh--we really are neighbors!!! That is so exciting! I love your tag...it is beautiful! Don't you love that template? I couldn't wait to use it...so nice to meet you!
Also, on Sunday on my Whimsical Musings blog, I am having my very first Creative Spirit challenge..I'd love for you to enter, if you'd like...It can be anything you want--even something you posted before...so, I hope you'll join me!
Oh, how elegant your tag is Tracy! The pearls, the image, gosh the whole tag is just gorgeous!!
This is gorgeous, Tracy! I think the shaped tag really enhances the beauty of the image. The three pearls added to the lower corner are perfect!
very very beautiful, tracy :)! i love it! love the image and the trims. thanks for sharing :)! have a great day! *hugs* steph :)
Well not only is it completely charming, but you also made me laugh, and that is my favorite part of any art project for sure ! I am going to have to check out those sites RIGHT now - who cares about going to bed .... lol
I love the image you got - perfect.
Its so beautiful and very elegant! Well done!
Ooooh, this is indeed very elegant! I never tire of mannequins! Hugs, Ira
So beautiful and elegant. Lynne M
so elegant!
Lovely image you used... beautiful!
Tracy....I LOVE IT!!!
Hi Tracy...I wrote you an email thanking you for leaving a comment on my blog,,Galerie 46 ...Tag Tuesday...I just put you in my followers list so now I can leave comments here ;) As I said in my email....great tag!!!
ROFL - I center up images the very same way, all the while my light box gathers dust under a chair! :) Love this tag - the image is beautiful, and the lovely trimmings are the perfect touch!
Very elegant.
Beautiful elegant mannequin tag! Love your image and design.
Wonderfully staged. Very elegant
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