Several of you have emailed me to let me know that you are having problems posting comments here on my blog. It doesn't seem to be affecting everyone so I'm not really sure what the deal is. My Followers gadget was missing in action for a couple of days too. ?????????
Anyway, I asked Blogger for help and was given two suggestions. The first one was a bit above my computer knowledge, but the other was to change my comments to the full page version. If anyone who has been having trouble posting here has a spare moment today, can you try to leave a comment on this post and see if this may have solved the problem.

Well its working for me! :-)
It seems to be working for me. Hope you get it all fixed up. :)
No problems for me either! Have a happy day! :o)
Giving it a try, Tracy. :)
Okay to me too.
Just thought I'd try and post.
Well Tracy, this seems to work for me, too! I had to bypass the problem by commenting through Mozilla Firefox, but now I'm using Google Chrome again and it seems fine ;-)
Cheerio, Ira
testing testing.... LOL!
Hey it works!!!! YAY!!!
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