A while back I mentioned that I had a blogaversary coming up that I wanted to offer up some candy for. Today's the Day!!!! I've been blogging for three years and it's been fantastic! Here's a HUGE hug to all the friends I've made along the way.
I've gathered up a few things to give away to one of my wonderful followers. As you can see I was in a girly mood when I put this together. Must be the month or something. ☺
I wish I could offer more, but as I'm sure you've noticed, shipping costs have skyrocketed--again.
Here are the goodies I've put together:
Stamping Bella "Uptown Girl POSH has a present" mounted stamp
My Mind's Eye "Lost and Found--Blush" paper pad
Simon Says Stamp "String of Hearts" steel die
Poppy Stamps "Vintage Bird Cage" steel die
3 packages of mulberry roses
3 bundles of vintage lace
And here are the rules:
1. This is a follower candy so you MUST be a follower of my blog. If you're new here, please don't join just for the candy, but because you like my work.
2. ABSOLUTELY NO Candy Only blogs!
3. I would really appreciate it if you would place my candy with a link in your sidebar, but it is not mandatory.
4. Add your name to the linky
Good Luck!

Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome stamping goodies! I'm always so inspired by your creativity when I visit your blog!
Been following you blog for a while now as I so enjoy seeing your fab creations each time you post... Thanks for the chance to win some great goodies, xxx
Congrats on your blogaversary, been a follower for a while now!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
Congratulations Tracy on 3 years! I'm so glad I've found you, I'm so inspired by your style and personality! Have a beautiful day!
I love love love your candy!!! I really hope I win. I love it all and want it all!!!
Happy Blogaversary!! Thanks for a chance to win your goodies!! Will put the pic on my sidebar!! Hugsxx
Happy blogaversary Tracy, and thank you so much for the chance to win this gorgeous candy..
Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Tracy! I'm so blessed to call you my bloggie friend and I really admire your work. Thanks for all your lovely comments - they mean so much to me! And your candy is sooo beautiful and of course I would really love to win this gorgeous stuff (keep my fingers crossed!) Thank you so much for offering.
Big hugs, Anja
Fabulous candy and congratz on the achievement. Thank you for the chance to win.
Hugs, mette
Congrats on 3 years of blogging Tracy, your creations are a true inspiration to everyone
Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous yummy candy.
Hugs Sue
Congratulations on 3 years! I have been blogging for 6 going on 7. It goes by fast! I try to post something everyday! It has consumed me! I love it though and love creating! Great Job!
Happy nlogaversary, you inspired me by your creativity on your great blog. I love your candy, so my fingers are crossed *lol*
Hugs, Anreda
Congrats on 3 years blogging! Thankyou also for this chance!
Love Pearl x
Happy Blog avesary Tracy,thanks for the change to win your fabolous (Girly) candy,so kind ofyou!!
XXX Heidy
Congrats on your anniversary!! What a sweetie you are ... these are stunning gifts and so kind of you ...
Hi Tracy,
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. Wow!
Thank you for the opportunity to win goodies. I have been following your blog via email subscription for quite some time.
:) Pam
Congrats on your anniversary Tracy.
It's always a delight to see your fabulous work and read your wonderful comments. You are such an inspiration to us all. Thanks for the chance to win these great goodies. hugs,x
Happy Blogaversary, my friend! And here's to many more wonderful years!
Happy anniversary, Tracy. Your blog is is a highlight in my day.
I'm not very computer-literate, so I don't know how to put anything on my sidebar...sorry!
Congrats on your 3rd Blogaversary!! Wishing you many many more years of inspiration!!! Thanks for the chance to win fabulous goodies! Hugs, Ivonne
Ohhh golly...you are TOO sweet for words. This blog candy is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations on being an exquisite card maker, friend and daily inspiration to all of us. Here's a hug and wish for many more years to come!
Twang :)
Congratulations, Tracy! Thank you for the chance to win such fabulous candy! You have been a huge inspiration to me, thanks for all your encouragement! {{HUGS!!}}
Wow 3 years, I can only imagine what that will feel like. Congratulations! I've been following for a while, mostly by email and am always stunned by your work. I'm putting your candy in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
WOOHOO for three years of sharing crafty and inspirational goodness!! You've created a fabulous package of yummy goodness! Thanks so much for your sweet generosity! :o)
Oops! lol I goofed when putting in my URL and I can't figure out how to change it! :o)
Congrats on your three-year blogaversary, Tracy! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent here! You're a big imspiration to me! Thanks, also, for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy! I've put your pic on my sidebar!
Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous candy Tracy^_^
If you visit my blog I'm very happy^_^
Congrats, Tracy. Of course, I'm already a follower. :) and the link is on my blog.
Congrats Dear
tks for the chance to win
Happy Blogaversary! Fabulous candy ~ have been following your blog for a while (but only joined today ~ slapped wrists). Thank you for the chance to win. Luv Bev xxx
Always nice to be able to celebrate another blogaversary! So happy to have met you here in blogland, always love coming round to see what you´ve been creating and to know that you´re one huge talented lady! Hugs, Ira
congrats on your blogaversary and all the wonderful inspiration you give to us every week. Thank you.
Congratulations on your blogaversary!! I love your blog and your work is very inspiring!
Congrats on your blogaversary. Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog.
Congratulations Tracy with your blogaversary!! I'm visit your blog everytime with so much joy and fun! To see your new beautiful creation :) Thanks for the chance to win this lovely price! Hugs Anneke
happy 3rd blogaversary Tracey...here's to the next 3!!
Thanks for the chance to win your delish goodies!!
Happy 3rd blogaversary
I'm follower but i've not done much blogging... Trying to get back into it..Have a GREAT day
Pick me! Pick me! ;)
Adding your info to my side bar right now.
Congrats on your milestone. You are one talented lady and I really enjoy looking at all your wonderful projects.
Congratulations on your Blogiversary. Thanks for a chance to win...
Love checking out your blog on a regular basis - always inspiring and I constantly take away something I "must have" or "must try"... I have your blog listed on mine so it pops to the top every time you post so I can come check it out. (No cyber stalker here or anything...hehe). Thanks for the candy offer!
Congratulations with your bloganniversary Tracy. You are giving away a lovey candy Thanks for the chance to win.
I love popping over to your blog, I love your style of card making! hugs, Marlies
Congratulations on your Blogaversary Tracy!
Gorgeous candy:)
Thank you for doing this.
Hugs, Heidi:)
Happy Blogaversary Tracy! I hopped over to your blog through Ros's blog :) and been to have a little 'nosey' lol. Fabulous candy - thank you so much for a chance to win!
Your cards are so great! I will happily follow your blog. Maybe you'd check mine out too.
Thanks for the chance to win some candy Tracy and great choices I might add! I love seeing your posts, they always inspire me!
Happy Blogaversary, Tracy! I am so delighted to check your blog each day as your cards teach, inspire, and generate smiles. What a lovely gift to Blogland. Thanks for the chance to win the candy. I already feel that I've won just by your sharing of your talent!
Happy Blogaversary! Love your work and thanks so much for taking the time to help me out when I first ventured into blogland!
I'm so glad I came across your blog while visiting Wanda Cullen. You are a very talented lady, no wonder you have 863 followers. Totally love "you stole my heart" card, the wood tutorial, the calendar and... Thanks for the opportunity to win and if I don't, I'm so glad I found your blog.
Wow!! I would love to win this stash!! Awesome collection of goodies. Loved the blog hop. Thanks. Hugs, Gloria
Wow!! This is amazing reason for celebration!! And amazing candy as well ))) Thank you for a chance to win.. (Finders cross.. 1st of March is my BD.. may be I shall be lucky that day ))))
Love, love your blog! (and candy! lol)
Your cards are so gorgeous and I followed you even before you mentioned that you need to be a follower to win!
Thank you for the chance and Happy Blogiversary!
Hugs from Egypt,
Roudi @ c-is-for-craft.blogspot.com
P.S. I added your candy to my sidebar. :):)
Hi; Yes I'm a new follower so I checked around a little first and I saw I had been here before because I like the cards you make!
Greetings from La Vikinga / Sweden
Congrats on yhour 3 years at blogging :)
I just became a follower and your pic is on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance!
Love my time spent here and thanks for the opportunity to win these wonderful goodies! Congrats on your blogaversary. :-)
Congrats on your anniversary!! We should be showering you w/gifts for all the creative inspiration you give us!! Love your style!
Happy blogaversary! And thanks for a chance at that lovely candy!
Wow what a beautiful Candy .... I'll try my luck, who knows, maybe it's me * lol *
Thank you for the chance to win such a great Candy! I hope you will have still much more new followers on your beautiful blog!
And now I cross my fingers....
Rosi x
Congratulations on your blogaversary Tracy! I get so much inspiration from your blog. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us all.
Big Hugs and a High 5!,
Congratulations on your 3 year blog milestone. I haven't been blogging very long, but I'm loving every minute of it. Thank you so much for giving us a chance to win such a fabulous prize! Here's to many more blogging years!
Congratulations on 3 wonderful years. I always look forward to reading and seeing what new card you have on your blog everyday.
Happy blogaversary! And thanks for the chance to win the amazing candy!
Hugs, Hilde
Hey Girlfriend! Happy Happy Blogoversary to you! Time sure flies when you're having fun!
You've got some amazing candy. Some of my very favorite things are included. Well truth be told.......I love it all. LOL So sweet of you to bless someone with such a sweet offering of goodies.
Happy Huggies to you ~
3 years - wow, that's great, many congrats!! Lovely blog candy too - so very nice of you :)
Such a wonderful giveaway to Celebrate your 3rd Blogaversary. I would so love to have a chance. I'm a new follower (for good) and I've linked your giveaway to my sidebar to help you spread the word. Thanks for the wonderful chance
Hugs, Rosalee
Congrats on your blog anniversary :) I'm a new follower. Your works are amazing!!
Congrats on your blogaversary!
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy!
Hello:) Congratulations for you on your bloaversary:) Thank you for the opportunity to take part in such a wonderful giveaway:) Best wishes fom me, Małgorzata
Happy Blogaversary!
I just found your blog and your creations are so beautiful. I love your style!
I have become a follower.
Best Wishes from Jenny
I'm not sure how I missed this candy earlier. I come by often enough but thankfully I'm in time and I'll just go and pop the picture on my side-bar. It's a fabulous collection of goodies, Tracy. I mean REALLY fabulous and I'm very grateful for the opportunity to win it. Hugs, Lesley
Tracy, congrats and Happy Blogversary, I am new here, but love your work.. Thanks for the chance to win such a generous and gorgeous gift. I make cards for the troops to send their loved ones and would love to win. Good luck to all!
What delicious candy. Thankyou for the chance to win.
Happy Blog-O-Versary! I adore your creations and am always blown away by your gorgeous coloring! I have added your blog candy to my side bar for you :) Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize :)
Congratulations on your 3 year blogaversary!!! Hugs, Karen
Congratulations! My blog excist just 6 months now. So I need a few years more. You make beautiful projects.
Hugs, Monique
P.s. I hope you take a look at my blog to. Have a nice weekend.
Happy Blog-Oversary! I hope you have many happy years to come!
Happy blogaversary Tracy Thank you so much for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.. I put the pic on my sidebar.
Hi, Iam from germany,and I love your work.
Your cards are so so cute and pretty and they give me a lot of inspiration.
Thank You very much for showing.
Love Heidi Eichinger
Congrat on your Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win some great candy x
Just found your blog, signed up to follow, your work is amazing!! I have been just scrolling back through your posts. So inspiring. I hope you will follow my blog too. Kim xx
Gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance to win! Hope to have luck and win!
Yummy candy my friend! Thanks for the chance!
Your stalker Rene :D
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! Woot woot! :) This candy is lovely. I'm happy to be your newest follower -- I'll probably spend the next couple hours clicking through all of the older posts because everything is so gorgeous! heehee :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Annie Rose
What great candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win. Good Luck to all. xxx Ann Marie
Congrats on your 3 year Blogaversary!!
I am a recent follower and love your projects that you share. May your journey into a new bloggers year be fun and fantastic.
I have you linked on my side bar and hope to do a new post on Tuesday and will be glad to share your information.
Thank you in advance for such a gift..(if I win..LOL!!)
Happily Scrapbooking & Crafting My Memories~~Sandra V.
What a great candy, congrats on your 3 year blogaversary! I have a 2 year
blogaversary. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I put the pic on my sidebar. http://mirrescrap.blogspot.se/
Hugs Mirre
mr. linky isnt working at the moment. but im a follower and ive linked up on my blog sidebar. thanks for the chance :)
Happy Blogaversary Tracy! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy.
Hugs, Renee
Love your blog, congrats. I do not have a blog, but hope I can enter. Thanks for all that you share.
Congrats on 3 years of beautiful blogging! Love your blog Tracy! Thank you for the chance to win such lovely goodies, I have fallen in love with that stamp since seeing it on your card!
Laura xx
Hi Tracy, congrats on your 3d blogavarsary! This candy is wonderful and I'd love the chance to win it, thanks! That stamp is so fabulous! Hugs, Hanneke
Happy Blogoversary Tracy! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Congratulations on you blog-anniversary!! I'm a follower and I added the pic on my sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win.
Great blog! I'm your newest follower.
I came to your blog through the Cards In Envy blog. I chose to follow and then saw the candy! LOL You do beautiful work!
Oh that is fantastic candy Tracy! Thank you for the chance to win - it's on my side bar!
Hi!And happy blogaversary!!:)
Your work is really lovely♥
I`d love to join your candy,I`ve posted your picture in my sidebar:)
Oh my goodness!! I love your blog! I recently stumbled upon it. Congrats on your blogaversary! Thanks for sharing with your followers. Thank you also for your fabulous inspiration!
Hey sweetie! Sorry I'm so late wishing you all the bestand lots of blogging years from now on! I've had lots of issues to deal with lately and I find it hard to recover from all the blows and cope with the everyday life.
You know I appreciate your work even though I'm not always able to leave a comment!
Keep making those sweet, creative and so very special cards!They always put a smile on my face!
Hugs, Iulia
Congratulations Tracy, I love visiting your blog, you certainly inspire everyone with your creations.
I love the way you explain every technique in your posts. Thanks sweet Lady xx
Huge Hugs Mau xx
Hi Tracy, Congrats on your blogaversary...Wonderful candy and thanks for the chance to win. joann sassy raggedy
Congrats, what a lovley work you do!! Im not been doing this for so long so here I can find inspiration!!
Candy is welcome when you are new so I hope for luck!!
Best regards from Sweden//K8
Congrats on your blog anni. And thanks for such yummy candy! Those are just the type of things I love!!
Hugs, Denise
I am a new follower, congrats on your blogaversary Thanks for the chance to win, have a wonderful day!!!!
I am a new follower and am really happy to have discovered you (and not just for the candy!) Your cards are all adorable! You have the cutest stamp collection i have ever seen :) Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize!
I am a follower and I just wanted to say thanks for the chance to win candy... added your candy to my blog
Congrats, Tracy on your blogaversary! I had to check to see if I'm a follower of your blog - I've been a follower of your work for awhile now! Your coloring and design work is inspirational.
Btw, you are a Top 3 at the Card Makin' Mamas blog for your thief card...absolutely loved it!
Inky hugs,
Hallo, Tracy,
today I took a walk on 'you tube' and found your wonderful video how to make a "Valentine Book of Love card, tag, and mini album". And I must say, I loved it immediately. You are a great artist and art instructor! I`m so glad to find your blog and wish you to carry on making things like this, having fun with and give us much more of such terrific inspiration.
Thank you so much, and thanks for the chance to win your great candy.
Lovely greatings from germany.
I am a huge fan of your work...especially your stamping bella projects :) You do such a gorgeous job so I really enjoy being a follower! Thanks for the chance to win such a fun prize!
You are amazing. I love your work.
Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Regards from Slovenia,
Congrats on your achievement and thanks for the chance to win. I am already a follower..xx
Hi Tracy,
Congratulations on your 3rd Blog anniversary. That should be feeling great, isnt it?
Thank you for the opportunity to win these awesome goodies. Have placed a link to your candy on my sidebar.
I love your creations. I hope I will have a chance to win this wonderful candy.
Best regards
Congrats on your blog-a-versary!
What a lovely candy, congrats on your 3 year blogoversary! I came across your blog via another blog and love your cute and creative card making style. So I am most definately going to follow your blog!
LOVE your creations, Tracy!! Your coloring is awesome - I'm always inspired by your work.
Congratulations on your 3-year blogaversary and thank you so much for the opportunity to win some candy! {{hugs}}
Who wouldn't love your work. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi there! I ended up at your blog by clicking on your name under your card that made TOP 3 on 7Kids. I loved the card so much that I had to see more of your work. I have been WOWed by your creations and found this candy while looking. I really love your style. Thanks for the opportunity to win candy!
Laura C.
congrats on your dedication with your blog. i found you by clicking through on someone else's site and i love your work. i love it when i see your blog name pop into my e-mail.
Thanks for the chance to win some candy. that is so nice of you.
Congrats on your blogaversary! fabulous blog and candy:) Greetings
I have only been following you since I started my blog in January 2012 and I am so glad I found you. You are a true inspiration. Even if I dont comment on every card you make - I am there peeking in and loving everything you make. Happy Blogaversary and yes the time goes by too fast. I couldn't figure out how to display your candy - sorry. Big Hugs
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