Thursday, October 21, 2010

Digi Doodle Shop's Best Challenge #30

"They're painting the roses red.  They're painting the roses red."  Well, in this case I colored them with Prismacolor pencils.  LOL  Isn't this image lovely!  It's a new one in the Digi Doodle Shop Store.  If you saw my photo there and then came here you may notice a difference.  I had taken the photo for the challenge and posted it before I built my light box.  I retook the photo and it looks so much better.
Keep it simple, no designer paper, and one embellishment are the requirements for this week's challenge.  Oh boy, no designer paper!  That's tough.  I used several mats to add different colors into the background of the card, but I wanted the image to be the focal point.
If I can do this, you can do this so hop on over to Digi Doodle Shop's Best and link up your creation!


Papers:  Georgia Pacific cardstock, Recollections, Bazzill, Strathmore Bristol paper
Stamp:  Digi Doodle Shop Roses
Inks+:  Prismacolor pencils, Gemini Masterpiece Odorless Mineral Spirits
Miscellaneous:  ribbon from my stash


KraftyKoolKat said...

This is so gorgeous Tracy. Love the clean but professional lines.


Nancy said...

Beautiful...just beautiful! :o)

Mona Pendleton said...

Gorgeous card Tracy! Fabulous job coloring those beautiful flowers!

Karen said...

Very pretty Tracy, lovely colouring too. I really need to practice more with my Prismas.

Unknown said...

This is a wondeful image. And your coloring is so pretty.. It looks perfect without any DP, even though that would be tough..

Julie said...

This is absolutely fabulous!

Heather Rogers said...

Beatuiful Flowers Tracy. :)

Unknown said...

Wow Tracy, with the beauty of your card who needs designer paper! Your rose stands out beautifully against the unicolour paper and it's wonderfully coloured. Magnificent card! TFS, Ira xox

hennie said...

Hey Tracy what do you make beautiful things!
I'll gladly come to your look.
I've become your follower.
Hate greetings also Ira.

Kristina said...

Beautiful Tracy, the bow is perfect!

Suzanne C said...

Beautiful flowers and lovely card!

Diane said...

The roses are lovely, Tracy - beautifully coloured!
Diane x

WeirdCat said...

This is such a beautifully elegant card, I love that big ribbon, I can't do ribbons!
Ruth x

Judy said...

Hi Tracy,

What a stunning Card!!! The ribbon is fabulous with it. Awesome job hun!


Jóna said...

Just beautiful card Tracy !!
Hugs, Jóna
P.s. I have opened Fan's of Digi Doodle Shop at PCP, you are welcome to join us :o)