Friday, June 22, 2012

Feel the Sun

(Click on the button in my sidebar to learn more about my B-day candy giveaway)  
Okay people.  You almost gave me a serious case of big head yesterday.  LOL  I'm just kidding, but it's no joke how much your encouraging words meant to me.  I've said it before and I'll say it again--you guys are the best!

     Did you ever have one of those days when every project you made had one glaring boo boo that you didn't see until the project was all put together?  Yesterday was definitely that day for me.  First was the red shoes on Dorothy debacle and then this tag.
     Our theme for the new ADFD challenge is texture and Tammy has re-released some of her beachy images.  You can find them all in the ADFD store.
     Do you see what I did?  Believe me, it's far worse than screw heads that don't line up.  LOL  I had "beachy" stuck in my head so went the direction of sand.  Why I have her coming out of the sand instead of pretty blue water is beyond me.  LOL  I will say this was a wonderful learning experience to egg me on  to starting an art journal.  I want to do this again--the correct way on a journal page.
     I played with Distress inks and modeling paste mixed with paint for the sand.  Here's a close up of the awesome texture I got from some Multi-medium Matte gel.
     I've used this technique before and absolutely love the look it gives.  I used a large stencil brush and pounced the medium all over the tag.  Then I pulled out the heat gun and boiled it--literally.  The heat gun makes the medium bubble up leaving this awesome texture.  To make it stand out a bit more I hit the high points with some Versamark and then brushed on some Perfect Pearls.  It made all those ridges and bumps shimmery and more easy to see.
     I'll probably do the image is a different coloring medium next time.  I'm just not proficient enough with my pencils.  I went back to Dorcas's wonderful skin coloring tutorial again for this one.  I need a couple more skin tone pencils to really do this right.
     There are so many great ways to add texture to your projects.  Break out some of your goodies and come play along with our challenge at ADFD.
(Note:  Tammy is changing her store over to a different platform.  The current store will close late tonight and she will reopen Monday with a 15% off store sale.  WOOHOO!  Great time to snatch some stamps)
     Happy Friday!


Paper:  Ranger Manila Tag, Kraft Outlet Light Kraft Text Weight paper
Stamp:  A Day For Daisies "New Hat",Tim Holtz "Artful Things", Hampton Arts postcard stamp
Ink:  Prismacolor pencils and OMS, Tumbled Glass, Bundles Sage, and Vintage Photo Distress inks
Tools:  heat gun
Miscellaneous:  Claudine Hellmuth Studio Multi-medium Matte gel, Perfect Pearls Forever Green, Irridescent Gold Glimmer Mist, Hug Snug seam binding, Kraft Outlet Hang Tag string


Hanna said...

You keep taking my breath away with your stunning creations Tracy! Love the texture you've created on this one, the boiled gel with the perfect pearls is BRILLIANT! I've never heard about that technique before, and I just LOVE the idea. Reading your blog is always so inspiring! I will definitely give it a go, though I have a hard time to believe my result will look even half as beautiful as yours! You're amazingly talented!


Sheryl said...

Hi Tracy! This is just GORGEOUS!
Truthfully, I was only admiring how very gorgeous it was until I read your post about the sand. I was thinking Sand/Beach! Its absolutely beautiful!
Have a great day!
Warmest Hugs, Sheryl

Laura said...

Gorgeous tag Tracy! It's just stunning! I love your blog, although I don't always comment I always have a peek at your beautiful creations, you are actually saved on my phone when I flick through blogs when I'm out and about! You are so inspiring.
Laura xx

Sue said...

This is so beautiful. Wonderful colours and textures and such a gorgeous image too.
Hugs Sue

Jennifer Scull said...

you silly thing... don't you know that most bathing beauties don't actually go into the water? tee hee! they would never dare to get their hair wet! ask me how I know..... ha! back in the days when I was a FEW pounds thinner and actually had hair! grins!

this is gorgeous! usually when I make something boil with my heat gun it is on accident. love that you did it on purpose. great technique! you have such a way with Tammy's beautiful art.

enjoy your weekend! :)

heidy said...

This is gorgeous Tracy!
XXX Heidy

Dawn @ LilyPinkScraps said...

So very lovely and I think artistic interpretation allows for anything to be possible and still look wonderful :) Love seeing the results from new to me techniques :)

Sarah said...

Hi Tracy, love how you added the perfect pearls over the medium! Hmm, that might work with a snow scene I'm doing, thanks for the idea!

Nancy said...

GORGEOUS! I love it! I must confess I wouldn't even have noticed that she was coming out of the sand if you wouldn't have pointed it out. However, since you did I will share my thoughts on the subject. Yes, I'm sure you're very surprised by that! ;o)
According to her "oh-so-chic" head gear, and her "I'm all that" pose, that is actually not just regular sand. Oh, no! It is a special herbal, age-defying, wrinkle reducing TM Build A Memory Sand Soak. That woman paid big bucks for a one hour soak in that goodness! :o)

Geri said...

Oh, my got your hands on one of my vacation photos somehow! What your blog viewers don't see, obviously, is that I was the only one on the beach...back arched...knees up...toes pointed on the sand (perfectly painted!)...surrounded by photographers! You must have paid big bucks!!! (LOL...had to say it!!) She's purdy!

Carla S. said...

This is absolutely stunning, Tracy! I love the techiques you used to create all the texture and dimension! Wonderful coloring of the beautiful image, too! Very artistic design!

Unknown said...

Tracy isnt she beautiful what a gorgeous tag well done Hugs Elaine

Audrey Pettit said...

Wow, wow, wow! This is SO amazing, Tracy! LOVE every little detail! I'm so in awe of the texture and depth of color you got on this. You SO need to start that art journal!

Renee B. said...

Guess I'm not very observent...I didn't even notice your bathing beauty was coming out of the sand! I was too busy seeing all the other gorgeous aspects of your do you do it...your mind must be a wonderful place to be!LOL! (& I'm excited because I did some paper piecing for the first time!!)

Heidi said...

Your tag is absolutely gorgeous!
Beautiful colours and details:)
Enjoy the weekend Tracy, hugs:)

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

LOL!!! Tracy you have to stop telling us these mistakes because no one would have noticed if you didn't see anything! And now I have the giggles! Hahahaha. And she looks too proud to have been just buried in sand LOL. It is still stunning though and I tried to find a mistake before reading what it was and I didn't even notice! hehehe

nwilliams6 said...

So lovely!!! You are just sooooo talented. I love to see what you have cooked up!!!

Unknown said...

Well I think it looks amazing. I just love the yummy texture. I didn't even notice she was coming out of the sand.. till you said something. Like I said I think it looks amazing anyway..

Unknown said...

Oh that's one great looking tag Tracy! Love that fantastic image and you've given it such a great beachy feel! The sand look is remarkable! Hugs, Ira

Dorcas said...

Tracy gal, you just rock these altered art tags! YOu really must take a picture of your fingers when your done! lol

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

LOL Oh you kill me, Tracy! LOL I enlarged your beautiful tag & could not see one single little thing wrong with it. Honestly! It never even dawned on me that she was coming up out of the sand instead of the water. LOL I didn't look at it "literally"......I just thought it was a cool touch of texture on the bottom. LOL Didn't even relate to "sand". So if you hadn't said anything........I would have never ever noticed. LOL

Have a FABulous weekend!
Huggies ~

Hazel said...

Hi Tracy

This is just brilliant - love it and love the texture.

Thanks for dropping by and leaving me some lovely comments.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Ta-ra for now.

Hazel xx

Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Tracy!

Marlies said...

A gorgeous creation in lovely colours and I love the texture you made. I hadn't noticed she was coming out the sand either, I just though it looked great! Beautiful made!! hugs, Marlies

debby4000 said...

Gorgeous, beautiful tag.

Marjorie said...

Beautiful tag hunnie..gorgeous colours and lovely image..

Ina G said...

Yes we all have days when we make a boo boo right after spending considerable time creating.
Beautiful tag Tracy love the colour and image and well just everything really.