Monday, September 19, 2011

It's an Outlaws Party!

     I've been playing over at The Outlawz for a while now and that group of ladies are always the sweetest and most encouraging bunch.  Doesn't this party they're going to throw sound like fun!  Just click on the flyer and you can find out all the details.
     Just wanted to let you all know about it in case you'd like to join in the party craziness.


Trina said...

I'll see you @the party! :D

Audrey Pettit said...

Sounds like a ton of fun!

Lynne Armstrong said...

Hope you come to play too Tracy...and GOOD LUCK!! The prizes are AWESOME....hope you get to share in them :)
Hugs xx

Unknown said...

Lots of fun coming everyone's way! Good luck to you!