My hubby missed our trip in November because of work and he barely got any time off for Christmas, so I didn't want to miss spending what little time we could squeeze in together the last few weeks. My daughter was also off work so we got to spend lots of quality time together. Didn't want to miss out on that since she just got engaged and will most likely not be at home for any more Christmases. :-(
So my apologies for not commenting on your blogs for the last couple of weeks. My plan is to get back into the swing of things with the New Year.
I would love to have your opinion on a few things concerning my blog. I want you to enjoy your visits here so if somethings bugging you I'd love to hear about it.
1. I know the font I'm using for the body of my posts is a bit artsy. Are you having trouble reading it?
2. Anything you'd like to see me include or discard in the design?
3. Anything else??????? I can't fix it if you don't let me know. ☺
I'd also like your opinion on Facebook. I didn't have one for the longest (hubby HATES it) but a couple of my design teams use it for photo uploading and DT communication so I got one. I don't use it for personal posts or photos (other than craft stuff). It is kind of neat for sharing info on sales and things like that though.
My question is--do any of you check FB more than blogs? Would you prefer to follow my posts on FB rather than my regular blog. I already struggle with trying to keep up my commenting on those of you who so faithfully leave me encouragement, newcomers, and my DT commenting duties, so adding another social media outlet for me to keep up with is not going to help in that area. LOL However, since I already have the crazy thing I wouldn't mind posting there too.
Just wanted to pick your brains on a few things. The New Year always makes me want to get more organized so that's where this is coming from. ☺
Oh yeah! I have a blogaversary coming up in February and I plan on giving away some candy. Do ya'll like actual physical product candy or do you prefer gift vouchers?
Okay I'll leave you alone now. hee hee I'll have a There She Goes card posting tomorrow and will be visiting soon.
Big hugs!

tracey..I think the layout and font on your blog is fine and is clear to read so for me I wouldn't change it.
Facebook - i am on Facebook, however i was on Facebook before I started blogging but I would I spend equal amounts of time on both...there's a few blogs that I can never seem to comment on due to browser problems and I am not downloading various browsers so for those ones i comment on their posts on Facebook assuming they have a page on there. used to be part of another DT and they used yahoo chat thing for their DT stuff, it was a large dt team and it was just too much for me so I had to step was the dt commenting on the yahoo thing that got me.
I don't post any photos of the kids on my Facebook, just some rubbish fun stuff really.
off to find you!!
Happy New Year.
Hello Tracy
I'm glad you had a good Christmas with your family. Don't worry about the commenting, precious time with your family is more important.
I think your font style and blog layout it fine.
I use Facebook for the same reason as you really and find that I hardly have enough time to keep up with my DT cards and commenting as it is!! However, it is clear that LOADS of crafters do use it so I am sure that some of your followers will give you lots of good advice.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year
Hugs Sue
Hi Tracy! Hope you've had a lovely time with your family over the holiday. Don't worry about not blogging - family always comes first. I'm with Fi in that I really like your blog layout and the font seems just fine to me. Personally, I don't like Facebook very much. I have a Facebook account as I used to use it to keep in touch with family and friends who are far away, but I never use it to check out crafty stuff. However, I know that many crafters are on F/B a lot and you have to do whatever works best for you. Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year! Hugs, Tracey x
Please don't change a thing! To me the only good way to keep up on FB is by subscribing so you get updates in an e-mail, you can do the same with a blog! I personally find e-mail updates too much trouble because if you want to comment, you need to open another app or web page.
I wouldn't change a thing, my dear! (As you may have guessed, I'm NOT a Facebook girl) So good to hear from you and so glad you've been able to enjoy a break!
Hi Tracy!
I'm so glad you had some wonderful time with your family! Time off for that reason is always good!
I personally love your blog font and find it really easy to read! I'm not a facebooker myself, just don't think I could keep up with both. LOL
Tracy, I believe that everyone of us has been off blogland these days which is absolutely normal! :-) I'm happy you got the chance to spend time with your family and I'm sure that this won't be the last Christmas with your daughter :-)
As for your blog, you know that it's one of my favorite! Don't change it! :-) I love the font and I find it really easy to read! I love your cards and all of your DTs, they seems perfect for your style! However, I'd love to see some tutorials, I've made one of yours for the fence out of stripes and it turned out great! :-)
And finally - facebook. Oh, I see that the girls above me are not into facebook but I can't say the same thing for me, lol. I love facebook, I love the opportunity to have a direct conversation with people by commenting on their photos or status updates! However, even if you start uploading your cards on facebook, I won't stop commenting on your blog, I'll just comment on both, lol.
Again, Happy New Year, Tracy and I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely post in 2013 :-)
Big hugs!
Hi tracy ... Good that you got to spend family time ... everyone needs that ... I love your blog just as it is ... as for FB ... I don't use it (except to keep up with family photos my relatives post) I honestly can't trust it - Commenting takes up a lot of time and I could not do FB as well as the blog ... so for me I will continue to visit your blog ... Plus I don't want to be friends with 20 million people I don't know ... Bah humbug haha!
Happy New Year to you!
Hi Tracey... Im the same as the ladies above - the font and layout is fine and easy to read... although I dont visit your actual blog very often, I do receive emails everytime you post a card and these I do love to receive - I think your cards are absolutely gorgeous - thanks for the inspiration. I too would love to see some tutorials. As for facebook, I do use it and would love to see your cards on their too.
Very best wishes for the new year Tracy and I'm looking forward to seeing your new creations throughout the comming year.
Diane x
You are so adorable!! You have a heart of gold and are so incredibly thoughtful of others; however, and you did ask for my opinion..LOL..your blog is an extension of you and not me or anyone else. It should be your fun place. If you changed it to meet my needs, it would be like a morph blog. Hahahaha.. Tick or Hang. Twang meets Hick. I think your blog is perfect. Anything you add to it or take away from it is fine with me. I always love reading your posts and even if you only just added the card and nothing else, I'd be in hog heaven. :D The font is terrific too. I do catch your cards on FB the one time every two weeks that I get on there. LOL. If FB was only cards I'd probably get on there more.
Congratulations on your daughters engagement too!! That means you'll be super busy making the announcements and decorations???? :D
Huge hugs to you my friend.
Oh, I'm the old fashioned type really. So I'd much rather stick to blogging as we know it, lol! I'm not on Facebook (wouldn't know where I'd find the time either!). So I'll just continue being the happy loyal follower I've been from the start ;-) Hugs, Ira
Your blog is fine - the font, the design - I love it and don't see the need for any changes!
I do use FB because others use it but to be honest I don't like it much because there are so many friends that I just don't get a chance to see everybody's posts - so I prefer blogger to visit my mates!
Hi Tracy, just another vote of approval for the design of your blog. The font is fine. As for FB;I started an account to keep up with family when we travel but I don't like it for anything else. Congrats on your daughter's engagement! I know you're going to have a wonderful time planning and creating! Happy New Year!
Hi Tracy, Font and blog are good for me.
I do use facebook to look at vendor posts like paper companies, etc. While a guest designer for a stamp company I got used to conversing with the design team on FB and liked it and have remained a friend to some. But I don't post all my cards on there, just a select few. The one thing I like is when viewing a card that a person puts on facebook, I can "like" it but not necessarily post a comment. But those that I do that to, have posted to their blog too, which I read. I would never personally get rid of my blog and only post of FB.
Love your blog just as it is girlie. I am not a fan of anything computer right now especially all this Google + and Facebook. ugh.... Keep it as it is girlie.
Well, I think your blog is absolutely amazing, Tracy, I really do! You have stunning projects, and I love your witty banter and comments. I think blogs are a much better way to "communicate" than FB. Seems like you can barely say much there, so it never feels very personal to me. I don't think I'd be on it at all except for the mentioned dt and work commitments. I have to laugh, cause both my kids say FB is just for stalkers........and sometimes I sort of agree. I'd say keep on doing what you're doing. Just make sure to make enough time for yourself and your family first. I used to post 5 or 6 times a week, and several months ago I dropped down to just 3 a week......and I'm sure that's plenty for everybody. ;)
So glad you had a chance to spend some quality time with your family. I think we all got behind on commenting on blogs and on SplitCoast, but that's only to be expected at this time of the year. As far as blogs go, I'm a neophyte...I truly don't know anything about their designs, formats or potential as you can probably tell from my boring blog. All I know is I love your blog and don't even know what potential changes are possible. I do know fonts can change, but I don't have any problem reading yours. Just don't change the language, because I only speak English LOL! I look at your blog all the time, so, unless you put other info on Facebook, I don't think I'd check for you there. I'm not a fan of Facebook, but I do check it every day to keep track of all the activities my Great nephews and nieces are into. If you tell my to friend you there, I will because I don't want to miss anything you do. As far as candy is concerned...a gift is a gift, so whatever is easiest for you is fine with me.
Hey sweetie pie! Long time no talk! LOL I'm so glad to hear that you're taking some much needed time with your family. That's soooo needed & important.
As far as your questions.......I love your blog design (new & old) & the font is super easy to read. No problem for these ol' eyeballs. LOL
I'm on FB every day to keep up with my kids & grandkids & old friends I've reconnected with. I will still follow your blog cuz I love this format more than FB. But if you're over there.....send me a friend request & I'll friend ya in a NY minute........or is it a NY second? LOL Just look for Sharron Moerke.
Congrats on your daughter's engagement. WooHoo! Will you be involved in the planning? Sure hope so.
Have a FABulous New Year!!!!!
Huggies & some Sweet Sweet Blessings to you, GF ~
Love the new font! I am not on facebook much...more Pinterest and Google Reader. Not enough time in the day for all the techie stuff I would like! Enjoy your free time! My best to you in 2013!
Ummm...I'd have to say I love your blog Tracy ('cause it's the same template as the one I use lol)...seriously, I do love your blog and the font is easy to read. As long as I can read your posts and see your gorgeous creations, I don't care what the rest looks like! And as far as Facebook, I have to say I'm with your hubby on that one...HATE it!!! It irked me that I had to have a FB account to do DD set it up so I'm totally invisible, otherwise I'd have gone without Pinterest, which would be a shame as I find it really useful :)
Glad you had a break from the computer (I've just done a bit of that over Christmas) and happy to hear you got to have some quality time with your family.
Hugs xx
Well my friend I think your Blog is just Perfect the way it is. I really do love popping in and seeing your awesome work.. As for FB I do have an account and I hardly ever post on there. The main reason I have an account is so I can see photos my daughter put on there of my Grandson.
I really do prefer Blogging over FB! But that's just me!
You want my "two cents" worth? How about I give you a Nickel's worth? lol
I love your blog just as it is. I'm on facebook but don't do any of my crafty things there. It was just for family until a couple of crafty friends found me and friended me.
You have so very much going on already, the last thing you need is more work to do in another location!
I guess that's all I have to I should probably give you back some change! haha :o)
Love your blog and find it's easy to read, so please just leave it as is. It doesn't need changes it's wonderful.
I'm not on Facebook and never want to be.
I have grandkids that use it continually and there are times where it has caused hurt.
Hi Tracy. I wouldn't change a thing sweetie. Yours is one of my favorite blogs, for me, it is just perfcet. Hugs, Ivonne
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